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run by the homeless. for all walks of life.

Real people, Real stories, Real experience; Now making changes within our communities.

run by the homeless. for all walks of life.

Real people, Real stories, Real experience; Now making changes within our communities.


What's Coming up

Get involved where it matters

Connect with us and make a real difference to the life of those in need.

play a part in Shaping the future for the Homeless

Learn more about our cause


more about us

As a non-profit who seeks the betterment of the lives of the homeless, we aim to assist in the continual improvement of the lives of  the underprivileged and disadvantaged. This is shown through the services we provide; such as:

Our Events

GIV3 OUR TIME runs events that are announced here on the website, which seek to empower and raise funds for the needy.


Providing refuge for those who lack the means to acquire it themselves.

Employment SUPPORT & Training

Helping to facilitate employment options and training for both men and women, in various fields.


Landing Soon...

Empowerment & Leadership

At GIV3 OUR TIME, we understand that people come from various walks of life. But not everyone gets the same opportunities, therefore we want to be that stepping stone for people to be the best they can be.

Legal Advice

Landing soon...

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how you can help

Make a donation

Your generosity makes our work possible. Whether you contribute financially or as an advocate for good.

SHare the Cause

Tell your friends and family about our cause and up coming events.

Join our Efforts

Contribute your time or other resources to help the cause


Latest Posts

All Hands On Deck
URGENCY CALL OUT “We are one country, we create together, we assist those in need, and it is now our duty to assist anyone who is experiencing homelessness,…
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Contact Us

Mobile: 0405201880

Office opens Monday- Friday: 9am-4pm

Contact us via the above contact details, otherwise please fill out the below contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


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Our SPONSORS and Supporters

People we are thankful for